Marketing is essential for getting your business to stand out. You want people to see your business, see what it is about, and know how to contact you. Garnering as much attention as possible is key in local marketing campaigns. One option more and more businesses are choosing is vehicle graphics.
Vehicle graphics are, quite simply, the graphics and lettering you can put on any vehicle to advertise your business. There are a couple of ways to do it. First, you could have a completely custom paint job done to the vehicle for $4000 to $5000.
Second, you can get vinyl graphics cut and applied for a few hundred dollars. For most small businesses on a budget, the second option is the way to go.
Here are seven reasons why you need to bring vehicle graphics into your marketing plans:
- The return on investment is quite high with this type of marketing. With just a few hundred invested, you will get more marketing than even a billboard on a main thoroughfare can garner.
- The company vehicle will grab and keep attention. A bright colorful vehicle grabs the attention of people in cars and on walkways all over the place. The eye goes to the color and the mind wants to know more about why this color is there. It tweaks consumer curiosity about what your company offers.
- Installation, and later removal, is quick and easy and will not damage the original paint job. For a small business, a vehicle is often an investment of which they need to take care. Being able to keep the car in good condition is essential for later resale value.
- The person driving the vehicle will get people walking up. When people see someone getting into a vehicle festooned with graphics, they will often walk up and start talking about the eye catching nature of the work. It is a great way to garner sales leads.
- Vehicle graphics provide a clean tie with other marketing efforts. Branding your company helps customers know your company. You can take the theme from your advertising materials and website on to the vehicle in the form of graphics.
- Graphics will last a substantial amount of time. With proper installation, good vehicle graphics can last several years without any problems. That means that your investment in a few hundred dollars will give you returns for years to come.
- Your advertising goes everywhere you go. If you take your vehicle to a trade show, the marketing goes with you. If you go to a customer site, your marketing is there with you. Your message is always out there for consumers to see.
If you are looking at how to get the most from your marketing budget, you should seriously consider vehicle graphics as part of your package. It will give you the exposure you want at a price your business can afford.